What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Monday, August 28

August 29, 2006

I am currently reading Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. Of the 335 pages in the edition I have I am currently on page 200. I started the book on Saturday, August 26, 2006. I am hoping to finish it tonight, or tomorrow. Once I finish it, I'll put up a sort of review.

I recently finished The Demon in the Freezer by Richard Preston. It was very good, for anyone who is interested in smallpox. Richard Preston is a good nonfiction writer, and gives it a fiction feel in the way you're anticipating what's next. Good pick.

I might read Catch-22 next, well see. Any suggestions? I need more time to read...


Blogger d3velop said...

Wow, 16 and you enjoyed Lolita? I'm impressed. Lolita is one of my fave books for how Nabokov uses the english language: "Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta."

Pale Fire is another Nabokov work of brilliance. He offers us a half-poem, half-prose work that includes a 999-line poem and a clever style of critcism, with a foreword and commentary.

Possibly worth a try? If you're interested, you can also visit my blog. I'll be posting some more reading material within a few days.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Richard Preston's stuff! Have you read Hot Zone? It's very interesting. I may have to look into The Devil in the Freezer - I haven't heard of it before. :)

12:37 AM  

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