What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Thursday, September 7

September 9, 2006....

I just finished reading this short story by Anton Chekhov called Love. It was good, I enjoyed it a lot. It described the emotion in a plain but beautiful way, If that makes sense? Chekhov seems interesting, I might flip through and pick some more to read.

I'm indecisive on whether to finish Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy). It's too long. Not that I couldn't finish it, that is not so. But rather, I'm feeling too impatient to read something of that length. I want instant gratification, i want to read a book, finish it in two/three days, enjoy it and be happy that I read it, then move on. I don't want something that takes me a month to read, I'm just too impatient for that lately!

So I'm going to possible put that aside for now. Maybe I'll take it on over Christmas break when I have the time? I'm thinking of reading The Paint Bird by Jerzy Kosinski. It's about 230-something pages or so, Which I could easily do in two days I'm sure. I'm really hungry for some Kafka, I bought The Trial some time ago but never read it. Surprise! I love Franz Kafka though, and I really am hungry to read some of his, so I might pick that up soon.

I think I am going to read The Painted Bird. So that is what is next. Anna Karenina can take a break..


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