What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Saturday, January 27

01/27/2007 — Three Books.

I just finished The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett. It followed the movie closely; almost annoyingly so. But it helped that I hadn't seen the movie in a few months, so I had forgotten some things. And the book was slightly different than the movie, only in that there was more to the book than to the movie (You can only do so much in an hour.)

It was a new style to read, and I'm unsure what I think. I liked it, but that might have been because I saw Humphrey and all the other actors in my mind. Then again, I didn't. Some of it seemed real mechanical, and the actions were real listed. It got redundant at times, too. But I've got one more book on my list! And it was easy. 186 pages.

What am I up for next? Not so sure. I'm being adventurous and got An Unexpected Pleasure by Candace Camp from the grocery store. It's way out of my usual genres, but I figure I should spread myself around a bit. If I don't like it, I don't have to touch another crumby romance! But I might as well try it? I'll probably read something older, before reading something so new...either way...

'till next read,


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