What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Thursday, November 16

November 16th

Finished Dr. Faustus (It was so short!) I really liked the imagery in it. I was right, it is around Shakespeare'stime, they were born the same year in fact! So it's from the 1500's. Some of it went over my head, I'd have to say the smaller plot points, but the over all story was brilliant. like I said, it had nice imagery with the blood and the angels. Since it was a play, it was 99.9% dialog, and a lot of that was interesting.

One thing that caught me, Faustus called himself Faustus, he did not call himself I. Strange.

I'm excited to read The Brothers Karamazov. Even if it might take me a very, very long time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo, proby,

Did you know that my Alasdair's favorite book is Fautus. He even rambles stanzas from it when he is out of it. Quite funny.

Hahaha, yes the third person thing was a crack up when I first read it. :D

Ciao, ciao, CL.

8:34 PM  

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