What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Monday, September 11

I hate to say I'm not reading, but its true! Alright, not completely true. But I haven't been reading much fiction. Anna Karenina was too much for me (like I said before, instant gratification suits me well!) and now The Painted Bird is a bit graphic and, I hate to say, boring. But, I will finish it. I have to learn to push through books I don't enjoy.

What is also distracting me, is my crave to write. It's never been mention, but I'm a big writer. I've been reading my new book The Novel writing Guide or something like that, trying to spark myself, and its distracting me from actually reading.

Hopefully I'll finish something soon, and find something a little more attention getting to read! Suggestions would be appreciated!

I'd really like to read La Bas (Down There) by Joris K. Huysmans but it appears not to be at my local library! How tragic! Perhaps I'll convince my mother to buy it for me? It looks good, someone compared it to The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, which is a big favorite of mine.

Anyone out there read La Bas?

Au Revoir.


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