What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Sunday, February 18

2/18/2007 — Six Books

Started reading Beasts by Joyce Carol Oates yesterday night, and just finished it a few seconds ago. It was...short. It was good, I supposed. I did really want to finish it, but I think there could have been more. Certainly makes me want to read more by her. She does have talent, and her topics are interesting. I was hoping to find her email address of contact information on the web, but failed to do so. I was really wanting to email her...finally, an author I like that isn't dead, like most of them. But no, it isn't available. Does she not like fan mail? She doesn't even have a site of her own, just a sort of 'unofficially' run one, and the one on her publishers page. How Bo-ring.

What am I going to read next? I'm dying to read my Oscar Wilde plays, but they still aren't here yet. So I think it will be A Sportsman's Notebook by Ivan Turgenev which I bought from my local library for a dollar, in very good condition. Quite proud of that snag, hoping it will be good. Nothing is funner than 19th century Russian, Eh? I also have Paint it Black on hold, by I forget who. It's odd, as I'm waiting for all my old books to show up, I'm reading contemporaries. This isn't normal. Though, I doubt it is a bad thing.

I should eventually read Ada or Ardor, shouldn't I? And I should eventually read House of Leaves. I always have a list... I was told to read Twilight and its equal, but reading the first few pages, I decided not to. It wasn't for me.


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