What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Friday, October 27

October 27th, 2006

After nearly a month, I have finished reading Crime and Punishment. I feel bad it took me that long, but it was difficult to push through. It was really good though, I loved it. I loved the strong themes that were present. I think Crime and Punishment is one of those books that you hate while reading, but love once you've finished it. (And you swear to never read again.) Sonya was my favorite, I was really happy with all the romance at the end. It was for school, so I had to finish it. But along the way I often thought, "I don't want to finish this!" And yet, I did. I'm glad, I needed to.

Now I'm starting Madam Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. That shouldn't take me too long, I hope. I don't have anything else coming up on my list lately, but I think over Christmas break I shall read The Fountainhead.

November is coming up, and I am going to participate in NaNoWriMo so that month may be buys, but I'll enjoy it. I might make a blog to keep people (Who? No one! No one reads these) updated on my NaNovel. Oh, I never said, did I? November is National Novel Writing Month. It will be real fun, but I may be distracted from reading. I'm not sure you should expect anything for a while, hah!

Au Revoir