What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Wednesday, January 31


I started The Metamorphoses by Ovid either the day I finished Falcon, or the day after... I forget. I love the way it's written, I love the story, but it's sometimes impossible for me to follow, I'm so forgetful with names!

I hope to finish it really soon. I have a book on Poetry coming in the mail; I want to read that. I want to work at doing better poetry. And what else have I to read? I always have something to read.

I want to get this finished with. Though I enjoy it, I want to move on. Understandable?

Saturday, January 27

01/27/2007 — Three Books.

I just finished The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett. It followed the movie closely; almost annoyingly so. But it helped that I hadn't seen the movie in a few months, so I had forgotten some things. And the book was slightly different than the movie, only in that there was more to the book than to the movie (You can only do so much in an hour.)

It was a new style to read, and I'm unsure what I think. I liked it, but that might have been because I saw Humphrey and all the other actors in my mind. Then again, I didn't. Some of it seemed real mechanical, and the actions were real listed. It got redundant at times, too. But I've got one more book on my list! And it was easy. 186 pages.

What am I up for next? Not so sure. I'm being adventurous and got An Unexpected Pleasure by Candace Camp from the grocery store. It's way out of my usual genres, but I figure I should spread myself around a bit. If I don't like it, I don't have to touch another crumby romance! But I might as well try it? I'll probably read something older, before reading something so new...either way...

'till next read,

Thursday, January 25

January 25th, 2007

Two Books read.

I finish The Trials of Oscar Wilde some time ago.

But only seconds ago did my eyes finish the last page of Camille by Dumas Fils, and I dare say it was the best romance I have ever read. Certainly, it has touched at my top ten, if not five. The romance of it, and the sadness of it, were so immense and great to read about. Some lines were beautiful; written so perfect that they made me envious. Why can I not write things that come out so perfectly? I was angered that my copy (Published by Signet Classic) was riddled with typos and errors, but it was a cheep book and so I can only blame that.

But my Gosh, Read it! It was amazing to read. It was so romantic; so depressing! I am in love with it. I'm really excited to see if Dumas Fils wrote anything else, (mind you all this is the son of Dumas, if you don't know that) because it was so well written. I like both Dumas, and Dumas fils. Maybe thats only because they come from the time period I like so much, the 1800's.

I haven't a clue what I am to read next. The Maltese falcon? Maybe. Thats what I told myself I would read. But I'm in a dazed state, as I get after reading a really good book. I'm so happy from it! It was just so well written. I beg of you (Those that, if there are any I must say, read this blog) read Camille! It's short, but it is wonderful!

I will certainly read something soon. I would much rather read than write, right now. I do not feel like writing.

Sunday, January 21

January 21st, 2007

My reading habits have been very ecstatic. Haven't gotten very far in House of Leaves, though I do like it. One of the narrators bugs the heck out of me though because he's too introspective and I can't concentrate on his one page if not longer run on sentences.

And the books for my research paper, The Trials of Oscar Wilde and The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde, need to be finished.

But I really want to break from them. In honesty I probably won't finish The Trials of Oscar Wilde, instead skim it so I can finish my research paper; but I will finish The Secret life of OW. Seeing as I bought that book, I might as well finish it.

But I want to read some fiction, and something I can probably get through (with a good amount of forcefulness on my part) quickly. So I've chosen Camille (The lady of the Camellias) by Dumas. A romance, of all things! I was hoping to read this tale in French, but I can't wait four years to be good enough and French to understand it, so I'm left reading the English translation...

Hopefully I'll [i]really[/i] finish a book sometime soon. I haven't even finished my second read through lolita.

Saturday, January 13

January 13, 2007

Well, I'm back!

I *sort of* finished Lolita, I got to a point near the end and stopped. I've already read it, so what was the point? I got to all the good stuff. Maybe I'll finish it some other time.

I started reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielowski on the second, but it's a really long book, 700 pages and its....not your normal book. It's very good so far, but it will probably take me a really long time!

I'm also reading The Trials of Oscar Wilde by H. Montgomery Hyde for my research paper in English. So I'm into two books for this year, hopefully I'll finish something soon!

I bought a few other books with my Christmas money. Those are shorter, so if I ever get around to reading though, I'll have a lot!

Till next post!