What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Sunday, December 31

December 31st, 2006

Okay, so I'm not into reading anything new, yet. I have to read A Christmas Carol for English class, and I'm nearly finished with that! It's boring me... Perhaps because its the same story you always here, or maybe I don't like Dickens? I dislike how he comes right out and talks to the reader as if he's sitting next to you, it just really throws you off!

I'm still half way through Lolita (140 of a grad 309) but I'm hoping to go on a book rampage soon. I just received my copy of Ada or Ardor also by Nabokov today. (It came all the way from AU!) so that will be next on my list.

I got a very generous $50 borders gift card from my father and I'm hoping to pick out a lot of things that I haven't read. I still need to take my books back to the library, I probably owe them so much by now, I still have Faust and The Brothers Karamazov! I need to take them back....

But, I haven't finished anything.

Oh! Since I started this mid year, it doesn't count now, but I'm going to try and read as MANY books as I can over the year. Currently, my goal is 50, then when I reach 50, it will be 100, then from 100 to 150. We'll see how far I get, huh? And thats any book, for school or for enjoyment. This'll be fun! So, if you ever have any suggestions for me it'd be great! Give me more to do.

I'm not sure whats on my up and coming list for the year. I want to read some Shakespeare, so I'll be getting my hands on that. Old stuff, and the like. Maybe some new stuff. What ever sounds appealing. I need to clean my room though, give myself more room to read in the first place! I'll be seeing you all at the end of my next book!!

Monday, December 11

December 11th, 2006

Oh golly. I just stumbled through the final pages of Pale Fire, and of course I have the same response that I got from Lolita. Wow. Nabokov he is...stunning, amazing, and briliant. I don't know what to think: about the story, about kinbot (Or is it king?), Gradus, poor dead Shade... I knew he was dead before I started, but as I began to see what would happen, I did not want Shade to die. Was I meant to hate Sybil? Because I did. I disliked her, because she did not like Kinbot, not until the end.

It was a wild ride, I feel that rush of just finishing a book. I want to reread it, either the poem or the whole thing, in hopes of understanding it better than I already do, but I haven't the time. I'm just so...entrapped by Dear Vladimir's words. He amazed me!!!

But, enough about that book. (It was so grand to read.) I'm not sure what I will be reading next. Officially, I want to read The Trial by Franz Kafka next, but unofficially my boy bought me a book for christmas and I may be tempted to read that. (Even reread it, if it is what I am guessing.)

Either way, I'll get back to you soon on what I am actually reading...

Sunday, December 10

December 9th 2006...

I finished Sidhartha, before my class. I really liked it, it was such a deep, meaningful book. When I started it, I thought I would be bored out of my mind, but it ended up being a good book. Some parts were boring, others I loved. My favorite part was when Sidhartha was always gambling and realized he hated what he was doing. (Or about that...)

I'm in the middle of Pale Fire, and if I'm really good and quick I can finish it today, which I'm really hoping to do. I'm not sure what I will read next.

I found this amazing site, www.bookmooch.com thanks to Cali. It's like the best library ever...I'm hoping to gather up some old books to send off, so that way I can get some new books for myself.

Untill I finish Pale Fire,
Au revoir