What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Thursday, November 30

November 30th

So, I never finished The Brothers Karamazov. I got about 60 pages in. I just think I need to stop taking on books that are too big. Too high leveled. I could do it, it would just take longer than I really want..

I got Pale Fire by Vladamir Nabokov and have been reading that since Sunday. It's pretty good, Nabokov has to be my number one or number two favorite so far. (He's competing with Wilde.)

I'm also reading Sidhartha for my English class, I forget who it is by. But I'm liking it a lot, it is so deep and thought provoking! But, its sad, because we're doing it with the class we can't go past what we should be reading. Well, we could, but I don't feel like cheating, can't upset Mrs. Salas!

I've also finished writing my novel! Wooh, Nanowrimo is over!

So, I'll get back to you when I finish Reading Pale Fire. So far, Lolita was better, but this is pretty good too.

Thursday, November 16

November 16th

Finished Dr. Faustus (It was so short!) I really liked the imagery in it. I was right, it is around Shakespeare'stime, they were born the same year in fact! So it's from the 1500's. Some of it went over my head, I'd have to say the smaller plot points, but the over all story was brilliant. like I said, it had nice imagery with the blood and the angels. Since it was a play, it was 99.9% dialog, and a lot of that was interesting.

One thing that caught me, Faustus called himself Faustus, he did not call himself I. Strange.

I'm excited to read The Brothers Karamazov. Even if it might take me a very, very long time.

Wednesday, November 15

November 15th 2006

So, I lied. I'm not reading Madam Bovary OR Notes From the Underground. And I have reasons too!

Madam Bovary felt really passive, I didn't even get to part two, which I'm sure would have been better since Mm. Bovary would have started to have her affairs and all, but I couldn't take the passive voice! It was so horrible! I'm guessing it has to do with the translation (it's originally in French) So I've decided that when I either a) find a different/better translation or b) get good enough in French to read it the way its supposed to be (I like this idea) then I'll read it again.

Notes was too hard. Honestly I struggled through all that I read of it, maybe ten pages. It was very college level. Again, that could have been the Translation, but I doubt it. It was rather hard, which means I need to get better at reading so I CAN read it!

But what is there on my list for now? Well, I've picked up Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and The Brothers Karamazov. I like Dostoevsky, So I'm trying to get as much of him in as possible. If I read 100 pages a day I'll be done in 8 days! (That's a lot of work!) But I'm reading Dr. Faustus first, and it seems rather easy though it is very...shakespeare? Which isn't true, that's the only thing I have to compare it too. We'll see when I'm done.

I'd really like to speed through BK, but I doubt I will....Small font, and I'm such a procrastinator too. I'll try though, because It's fun to know you've gotten x amount of pages in a book, or when your done! It feels like there is a whole world behind me that I've just read. Amazing.

Ah...Bon Soir.