What Am I reading?

A blog for the books I've read, am reading, and am going to read.

Location: Missouri, United States

Friday, September 29

September 29th, 2006

Gave up on The Death of a Salesman. I'm not reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, impart for school but also because I wanted to read it anyhow. It's very promising.

Monday, September 25

September 25th 2006...

I finished reading The Importance of being Ernest this afternoon. Oscar Wilde is a hoot! I adore him so much, and can not WAIT to get to his other plays. Next, which I will be starting soon, I'll be reading The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. My new thing is plays/scripts.

Soon, I'll have a 'Novel of Choice' project in my English class, and I need something to read. I've asked before, with no response, suggestions? Maybe someone will read me this time.

Bon Heure...

Friday, September 22

I finished A Doll's House, and loved it. Ibsen did a great job with it, the story did wonders for me. I'm glad to have finished something.

I'm not sure what I'm going to read next. I can't find anything I can really sit in and love yet, nothing is comfy enough. (I know, I'm too picky when it comes to books.)

Thursday, September 21

I've decided not to finish my 'Short story collection' of Kafka's. I feel in the mood for longer things. I'm reading the play "The Dolls House" by Henrik Ibsen. Hopefully this won't take me too long, but I've been such a slacker.

Then maybe I'll get to The Trial or something.

Sunday, September 17

I'm working my way through my Kafka story collection. I gave up on The Painted Bird. It was too...graphic for me. I'm not fond of violence, so I just set it down. I'm not sure what's coming up next in my list, hopefully something good! I haven't read something good (and not a reread) in a while!

I keep asking, no one keeps answering me. Any suggestions?

Monday, September 11

I hate to say I'm not reading, but its true! Alright, not completely true. But I haven't been reading much fiction. Anna Karenina was too much for me (like I said before, instant gratification suits me well!) and now The Painted Bird is a bit graphic and, I hate to say, boring. But, I will finish it. I have to learn to push through books I don't enjoy.

What is also distracting me, is my crave to write. It's never been mention, but I'm a big writer. I've been reading my new book The Novel writing Guide or something like that, trying to spark myself, and its distracting me from actually reading.

Hopefully I'll finish something soon, and find something a little more attention getting to read! Suggestions would be appreciated!

I'd really like to read La Bas (Down There) by Joris K. Huysmans but it appears not to be at my local library! How tragic! Perhaps I'll convince my mother to buy it for me? It looks good, someone compared it to The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, which is a big favorite of mine.

Anyone out there read La Bas?

Au Revoir.

Thursday, September 7

September 9, 2006....

I just finished reading this short story by Anton Chekhov called Love. It was good, I enjoyed it a lot. It described the emotion in a plain but beautiful way, If that makes sense? Chekhov seems interesting, I might flip through and pick some more to read.

I'm indecisive on whether to finish Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy). It's too long. Not that I couldn't finish it, that is not so. But rather, I'm feeling too impatient to read something of that length. I want instant gratification, i want to read a book, finish it in two/three days, enjoy it and be happy that I read it, then move on. I don't want something that takes me a month to read, I'm just too impatient for that lately!

So I'm going to possible put that aside for now. Maybe I'll take it on over Christmas break when I have the time? I'm thinking of reading The Paint Bird by Jerzy Kosinski. It's about 230-something pages or so, Which I could easily do in two days I'm sure. I'm really hungry for some Kafka, I bought The Trial some time ago but never read it. Surprise! I love Franz Kafka though, and I really am hungry to read some of his, so I might pick that up soon.

I think I am going to read The Painted Bird. So that is what is next. Anna Karenina can take a break..

Saturday, September 2

September the 2nd, 2006....

I just finished reading Lolita a few moments ago. Amazing book, I highly recommend it. It took me a few hours over a week, disappointingly.

My next task will be Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. My copy has 1,002 pages due to its dimensions, but I'm hoping to finish this in two weeks at the most, which is a risky judge for me, It'll take me much longer if I am not lucky.

Also on my list of books to read next are:

The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski
Early Short Stories 1883-1888 by Anton Chekhov and
Three Short Novels by Fyodor Dotyevesky (to test him out before I take on his longer novel, The Brothers Karamazov)

Until my next book, Au Revoir!